Friday, July 31, 2009

Final Post

I guess, to continue my regrets, I am sorry that I did not get to understand as many aspects of HTML and CSS as I would have liked. My computer skills are not very high and I do not do to well with technology in general - it makes me nervous and insecure. However, if I do not do to well in in this course I suppose I will continue in the program though I'm not so sure what kind of a future I will have in this field. I intend, if I do pass, to continue "plugging along" and learning more incrementally so that I will finally have a good grounding in the aspects of technology in library science.

Thursday, July 30, 2009

Quick Blog

In a hurry...regrets or course: wish i had more time to do work, especially read the course material more closely. Also, i need to manage my time better next semester in order to fit in lectures at a time when i can watch them all at one time. other regrets: will post later...

Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Final Week

This is the final week of class. All of my assignments are in. I really enjoyed this course and think I learned quite a bit thought I know that I did pretty poorly. My favorite part of the course was the Quicktime and Realplayer videos. I especially enjoyed the Weissberger talks on "Miscellaneous." Thought I do not agree with everything he says regarding the how information is organized, I do agree with his sentiments that the world is not necessarily an orderly place...

Sunday, July 26, 2009

Final HTML assignment

Am working on my final assignment. I think I have done most of the work ok (yet, in I am never sure how I am doing in this course). The only trouble I am having is trying to point my links to secure web pages. I provided the links but am not sure how they can be accessed by someone else???

Saturday, July 25, 2009

Finishing up...

Well, this semester is almost over and I hope I did ok. I just completed my final essay for LIS 2000 on copyright. The books by Lessig and Litman were very informative though I cannot say that I have much more of an understanidng of copyright law than I did before. In fact, I may be more confused. I canot give any concrete examples (this is all off the top of my head) but I am amazaed at the complexity and detail that lawyers create in order to keep the copyright issue alive. I like Lessig's idea that we need to take the warlike language out of the debate and not treat borrowers of content like criminals. This inhibits creativity and leasds to a more stratified society.

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

HTML final assignment

I guess we are supposed to create a portfolio of the work we have done so far in LIS2600. I don't feel like I did too well in this course. The funny thing is that I know this is an introductory cousre to the fundamental aspects of digital librarianship, but I had a hard time with some pretty basic tasks. It is not that the tasks were difficult in themselves but that doing this course online makes it very hard when one has questions, or when soemthing is not working the way you need it to. I found that overall the assignments were quite easy but when it came to actually completing them (without a hitch) was the hard part: I understood what to do but not how to do it.

The final LIS 2000 essay is proving to be difficult as well. I am having a herd time geting a grasp of all the complexities of copyright. I know that I could never be a lawyer in any case (no pun intended). To follow just what laws are being broken, especially, after the milleniium copyrigh act is enough to make one's head spin. It seems that there are so many laws that there is no way that they do not contradict each other. I like Remix's tone and style in regards to how it treat the way in which copyright laws should be rewritten. we need not go to "war" over people who break these laws. the laws are on the whole overbearing and "arcane" indeed.

Sunday, July 19, 2009


Had problem with the secure file transfer. Yesterday, I quickly downladed WinSCP on my home computer in order to go into my public files and change the permissions to 744. Hopefully they will be viewable now.

Semester is winding down and I hope all of my assignments are found (getting a little anxious) about this because we do not have all of our grades back and I cannot tell wheter or not my work is recorder. Oh well, guess I will find out soon enough...